Slow Sunday Scenes: Oh... Around
I only needed a few miles today to reach my weekly goal, so it was not an overly long ride when finished; Claremont, La Verne and a bit of San Dimas - just enough in other words. Part way through came a stop at the Claremont Farmers' Market, and when neighbor Steve sat down at the table in front of city hall I also happened to be perched at, and asked where the morning ride had taken me I kind of waved my hand around in the air. I have never been quite sure how to answer that question - I mean, do you give a play by play, turn by turn overly-tedious description, or do you apply some degree of censorship? And if so, how much? Well I began to verbalize some follow-up to all the handwaving, when he saved me the trouble by saying, "ah, the universal sign of 'around', I know it well." I thought, yeah, that's true, why burn those brain cells when waving the answer is so much easier. Of course, that simple action wouldn't make a very satisfying blog post, hence... well, here we are.
I sat and watched all the comings and goings for a while, snapping photos the whole time. In that time, I realized that a lot of people, perhaps due to the slightly cooler morning temperature, chose to bike it today and, while some of those people rode in on e-assist, the majority still relied on good old leg strength. I also noticed that the couple at the cut-flower booth were selling non-stop. Summer can be rather bland - bright, mind you, but with a kind of basic color palette dominated by duns and greens; maybe people have had their fill of that and were looking to add some yellow, red, and magenta.
hot dog

I Bike SGV
this guy almost has the same bike - just a version or two off
and roller blades
which do you think the line is for? Some Crust, naturally!
the Original Popeye!
well, I know where she's been
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