From the Library: Bicycle Love...

There are sixty-two stories here about what our beloved bicycles mean to us, and though the stories may be specific to each of the individual authors, anyone who rides will no doubt find common cause with any number of them. This is a good one to have handy for some light summer reading - a story here, another there, and you will go cover to cover as fast as Tony Martin passes over a TT course. Some of the stories recall long ago moments from childhood, others are later-in-life adult versions of those long ago childhood moments. These stories are a lifetimes worth of cycling adventures, or more accurately I guess, a lifetime filled by other peoples' adventures. After you read it, go out and make your own.

Battista, Garth, ed.   Bicycle Love: Stories of Passion, Joy, and Sweat   Halcottsville, NY: Breakaway Books, 2004
