2025 Southridge Winter Series, XC Race #4: On With the Show

With evidence of Spring sprouting all around, matched only by the evidence of changes to come to the local landscape (witness the massive earth movers), one question on the minds of many folks who came out to the fourth weekend of racing at this years' Southridge Winter Series was whether racing would be able to continue beyond this year. After jawing briefly with one of the Southridge Racing family, it sounds like there is reason to be optimistic. We'll keep fingers crossed that things work out, because it would be a real bummer for another race venue to be lost, especially one that has been challenging competitors for as long as this one has.

Anyway... On with the show. 

And a good show it was. The quantity of racers, and the quality of the racing was another reason for optimism; those who come out and race XC still look forward to a good weekend challenge, whether it be against other competitors, or the more individual challenge against the course and themselves - even at eighty-two years young!

Good to see that only three categories had a single competitor this time, all the others had at least two, and three turned out for the beginner women's race. Can we make it four next time? Or more? Congrats to everyone who came out and challenged one another, or just themselves. Don't forget there are still two race weekends in March before the series wraps up for another year. See ya out there. In addition to the photos here, the google album contains a selection of eighty six this time.

first three over the first bump

eighty-two years young and still racing with a smile

meanwhile, threading through the boulders further up the hill

is this one of the tougher uphill sections of the course? it sure seems like it!

turning green on this side of the hill

sport men 60+ podium
