Just a Bit More

It was good, no, it was great to get out on a half-way decent ride this morning - there has been a real dearth of those this year, and for no real good reason. Here I thought that year 2023 was the mileage low point (just as i thought the same thing about the year before, and the year before too), you know, the kind that makes you say well, there's nowhere to go but up. Well, that certainly wasn't true, but hey, there's nowhere to go but up. Right? And anyway, this year's not over yet. Maybe, just maybe, the deficit can be made up in the last two and a half months?

Anyway, I saw this thing on my social media feed about how we cyclists will take great care when leaning our bikes against things so they don't fall over and get scratched, or whatever. Well, I immediately thought, wow, things have sure come a long way from the years when we'd ride home, jump off our bikes in the front yard, just let them fall where they would, run in for a quick drink or to use the bathroom, and then rush back out before mom even knew we were there. No care then, much care now. Anyway, i needed a new bottle cage for my mtb after the previous one broke while at June Lake recently. Pretty straight forward purchase really, yet i seemed to have somehow come away with a bit more.
