What is a Butt-tard Anyway?

And did I spell it correctly with the hyphen? Perhaps it is two separate words butt, and tard? Or maybe two separate words run together as buttard? Butt-turd I can understand, I mean the two kind of go together to begin with. But there is nothing wrong with my hearing, and butt-turd is definitely not what I heard.

The baby-face in the drivers' seat, might very well have been fresh out of freshman year of high school thinking, perhaps, that he was bigger than he was in his little suv, young enough that he likely still needs is mommy to pull the covers up at bed-time, desperate for respect, but not experienced enough to realize that, like the street he was driving on, goes two ways. I would have expected that someone granted the responsibility of driving a motor vehicle / potential weapon would be figured mature enough to... well, mature enough to drive that motor vehicle while respecting the rights of other road users. Of course, I guess if name calling is good enough for a seventy-three year old faux-President, we shouldn't expect anything less from some junior sixty years younger.

So, anyway, the light turns green and I kick off to cross the intersection. If I had been in the pickup I would have applied a piddling amount of pressure to the gas pedal and let the motor do the rest - lame I know, but what are you going to do when you're in the drivers' seat. Gas pedal or pedal-pedal, the result would be the same - moving through the intersection. So why was it necessary for baby-face turning left from the opposite direction to call "butt-tard" out his window? What is that? If I was letting some motor move me would that have been the response? Would there have even been a response? I don't think so.

Superiority. The parents of baby-face "done teeched 'im good." To be a driver is to be superior to everyone else on the road; no complex about it, it just is. He learned the lesson well. See, to him, ya'll are butt-tards too, he just isn't smart enough to realize it.

I hope this doesn't make sense to anyone. I mean singling out the one bicyclist and not the tens, or more, drivers doing the exact same thing at any one intersection - getting from A to B doesn't make sense, so why should trying to explain it make any more.

When I was a whipper-snapper we called people things like sh*t head, right - it meant someone had sh*t for brains. Perfectly sensible name-calling right? But butt-tard? I just don't know what the world is coming to.
