It's the Weekend: Three Miles Per Hour

 You know, I used to judge how bad a day I was having by the four mile per hour mark. Years and years ago, I can feel it still, I was absolutely gassed, there was nothing in the tank, and the leaders were pulling away by the second. I had hoped to never see that kind of speed again. I suppose four mph on a smoothly paved road is in some ways slower than three mph on rocky rutted dirt, but still... I think I can now put that four mile per hour day to rest. The bar has been lowered.

Anyway, it is the weekend, and that is something good!

There are races and rides, and all kind of good stuff going on, so have at it. And make it count.

Did you know there are 300 species of prickly pear (Opuntia)? That eagle on the flag of Mexico is standing on one, the one that convinced the Aztec people to settle Tenochtitlan on Lake Texcoco. You can even see the fruit on it. The ones at Bonelli Park are fully covered in fruits right now, and though they look ripe, I saw no more than two eaten ones. Maybe the local wildlife know something, maybe they're not quite ripe yet?
