The 2021 Arizona State Track Championships

I don't know what is going on with August this year. These cloudy mornings and less-than ninety-five degree days just don't quite seem right; it has almost been embarrassing to refer to them as the dog days.


as it has in years past the Encino Velodrome played host to racers from Arizona. Lycra-clad and with their fixed-gear track bikes in tow, they sweated across deserts, climbed mountains, forded rivers and traversed the perils of mighty cities for three days of competition in what is known as the Arizona State Track Championships. With a Cat 3, 4 and 5 upgrade omnium taking place on Friday, and individual time trials on Saturday, I was left with one opportunity to witness the fiercest of championship racing competition - the team sprint, scratch race, team time trail, and individual sprints - all taking place on Sunday.

I know, I know, you're thinking "wait a minute, why are Arizona riders coming to California for their State Championships?" While there have been various attempts by the states' cyclists, and other interested parties over the years to get a track built in-state, as of this date there is no velodrome in Arizona. I see you still have a puzzled look on your face, thinking "but if there are no tracks in Arizona, how can there be Arizona track racers?" It is a fair question, I admit, and one that I should have asked when I had the chance - Daniel, how often do you have to travel to either San Diego or Los Angeles to maintain your track racing edge? Or is simply riding a track bike on the road, as I know many people do, enough?

team time trial #1: Jolivet, Silberberg, Stager

Team Time Trial #2: Silberberg, Aligue, Francis

Anyway, questions for the next time i guess. This time I didn't mind that cloud cover was moderating the usual torrid August temperatures; I didn't mind the Sunday morning races, a time when freeway congestion was non-existent; I didn't mind giving up a morning ride - you know how I like soaking up the atmosphere at Encino Velodrome.

But back to the races - they ran smoothly, the officials kept the program moving right along, they were fast, with sub-minute team sprints and, even though the winner of the scratch race ran away at the end, the race remained competitive up to that point. In my opinion it was all pretty darned good for a bunch of guys with no track to call their own.

you know, a hundred years ago live music was common at these things

scratch race line-up and instructions

successful weekend?

Westcott & Francis

Aligue & Klinkon

At this point the routine takes over, if you already know that you can jump to the Google album now. If you don't know the routine there are more photos, a selection of about ninety this time I believe, and you can access them via that link. Feel free to download which ever you like. If you want a higher quality image just let me know and I can email you one (after the cropping I do, they usually tend to be about 3 or 4 MB). Alright, cheers, and hope everyone had safe travels back home.


  1. Hi Michael! It was great to meet you yesterday! You got some great shots from the AZ event. I would love to see the full album -- how do I go about doing that? I'm getting a 404 error from the link above -- do I need some kind of permissions?

    1. Hello, and thanks. It was good talking with Daniel and yourself on Sunday. It looks like I forgot to set permissions to public. It should work now. If not, let me know.


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