All Day Long

I spotted coyote from across the narrow concrete channel, two chainlink fences and a fifteen foot drop between us. He stood there, alert and watching as I sped along the rock and gravel road. I would like to say I was the more alert, noticing him before he espied me, but no, coyotes are great for that kind thing - watching, I mean. I stopped to snap a photo, and in those few seconds, he turned tail and loped off. If you turn towards them, or stop, they'll be gone in a flash in that coyote-gait they can maintain all day long if they must. 

Once when I was solo climbing Trash Truck Hill in Griffith Park, I found a coyote following in my wheel tracks; I looked back and there he was. I don't know what caused me to look back, some kind of sixth sense, I guess. A short while later and a few feet higher, I looked back again. He was still there. It was a little annoying really, the wheel sucker. I thought I could drop him. Then I was curious. I was also younger then and could both talk and hammer uphill at the same time; in perfect english I yelled back over my shoulder, "how long you think you can keep this up?" Responding in perfect english of his own, he replied "all day long, man, all day long." That was just unnerving, that was, and decided enough was enough, came to a stop, and made to confront him. As I turned again, all I saw was a flash of grey, tail out behind him, heading fast down the brush-covered slope.

I have seen coyotes on multiple occasions in the spreading grounds, sometimes looking healthy, sometimes looking raggedy, so I have never been sure if "they" are one, or more than one. It has been a while since last I saw one in the neighborhood, but I am glad to know they are still up there in the open space where they have room to roam.

In an attempt to maximize my riding time, I soloed the WNGR tonight, rather than join in with the group part way along the route. Not sure I succeeded mileage-wise, but I did get to see coyote.

the road across


last rays of the setting sun


