Sunday Options: To Market...
to market, to buy a fat pig. Home again, home again, jiggity jig. Yes, I did remember that Daylight Savings began this morning. Yes, I did set the clocks last night. No, I didn't make it out to any of the regularly scheduled rides. There is something about losing that hours-worth of sleep that invariably leads to a lazy first day, complete with late start. And that's alright. Sometimes.
lady in red
strong start to the day
shrubs bloomed, strollers strolled, crooners crooned at the farmer's market,
where there was a packed house
GREEN, reminds me of something fast approaching
to market,
to market,
to buy a comic book? the son had heard rumors of a new comic book store in town, and there is was, right on Indian Hill. he is not quite ready to write off his favorite (and more distant) store, but agreed that it is sure nice to have one so close. classic, Adam West, batman; Yvonne Craig, batgirl, look out from the window of
Anyway, many people were taking advantage of the most excellent riding conditions to get out on their bikes - in singles, couples, small groups, and families. The Village and surrounding streets had a nice flow of riders coming and going. It was such a sublime morning, that I can't begin to understand why someone would choose to get around by any other means. Hope your Sunday morning was just as good.
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