Cycling to School Infographic...

I confess, I never rode my bike to school. It is possible there may have been some special occasion that would have had me riding for a day, but I don't remember anything like that. Elementary school was just a short walk up the street, high school was right across the street. Junior High, it is true, was a good mile and a half away and riding would have been quicker, but I walked those three years as well. I like to think all that hoofing ultimately instilled in me the idea of being self-sufficient, or at least to whatever degree that is possible for an urban-dweller.

For years research has been conducted, stories written, and similar graphics compiled presenting information showing how far the English speaking nations lag behind other nations of the world. I suppose if you added in stats for the number of kids who walk as well, those numbers might look a little better, but not by much. I hate to think that we are continuing to travel that same unfortunate path, that we are instilling the idea of motor-dependence, and all its associated ills. That is why it is important to support organizations like the Safe Routes to School National Partnership, or even help out with a local organization like the Claremont Safe Routes to School program, or whichever similar group is nearest to you.
