iCan Bike
Remember the time you first rode a bike alone, without someone running along beside you, keeping you upright? I don't. I can, however, imagine I was pretty stoked, and proud of the accomplishment. The "I did it!" thought probably crossed your mind, and possibly crossed the threshold of your smiling mouth. That moment in time has come to be recognized as one of the key moments of independence in our lives, as well as one of the earliest. Now try to imagine if that moment, due to a developmental or other physical disability, never happened.
The iCan Bike programs, held throughout the United States and Canada, helps people with disabilities experience that same sense of accomplishment, the pure joy, and reach that rite of passage which most of us have, perhaps, come to take for granted.
Between June 27 and July 1 the people behind iCan Bike will be holding a five day camp at the Fairplex in Pomona to help people, some with Downs Syndrome, others with physical disabilities reach a goal of independently riding a bicycle. If you live local to Claremont you may still be able to find a copy, or someone with a copy, of the Claremont High School Wolfpacket, which had an article about the upcoming iCan Bike camp written by student reporter, Will Deprez. You can also check out information on the upcoming Pomona camp, other camps, and the iCan Shine organization at the iCan Shine website. Again, if you are in the Claremont area, there are ways you can help the program raise funds - Cox and Patel DDS are holding a raffle, and local businesses a la Minute Handcrafted Ice Cream, Eureka Burger, and Sunset Cycles are all sponsoring the camp (and are all conveniently located in the Packing House on First Street)
The iCan Bike programs, held throughout the United States and Canada, helps people with disabilities experience that same sense of accomplishment, the pure joy, and reach that rite of passage which most of us have, perhaps, come to take for granted.
Between June 27 and July 1 the people behind iCan Bike will be holding a five day camp at the Fairplex in Pomona to help people, some with Downs Syndrome, others with physical disabilities reach a goal of independently riding a bicycle. If you live local to Claremont you may still be able to find a copy, or someone with a copy, of the Claremont High School Wolfpacket, which had an article about the upcoming iCan Bike camp written by student reporter, Will Deprez. You can also check out information on the upcoming Pomona camp, other camps, and the iCan Shine organization at the iCan Shine website. Again, if you are in the Claremont area, there are ways you can help the program raise funds - Cox and Patel DDS are holding a raffle, and local businesses a la Minute Handcrafted Ice Cream, Eureka Burger, and Sunset Cycles are all sponsoring the camp (and are all conveniently located in the Packing House on First Street)
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