2013 Seasons in the Sun Update

You may have noticed the banner soliciting sponsors from the top of the page is gone - so the period of searching for sponsors for this year's book is closed. This means that I did reach a minimal level of funding, in not quite the way I was hoping, but so be it.

I am now awaiting the graphic image from a sponsor, before sending the book off to the printer. 

In hindsight, I suppose it was too optimistic to think I could have copies in hand for the first race of the year but, in hand for the second or third still remain possibilities. I will start the process earlier for the 2014 edition of Seasons in the Sun - about mid-way through the year start lining up sponsors - hopefully that will help streamline the process. 

Anyway, thanks to all who have expressed interest. It will not be much longer; until then one example of a completed photo page:
