From the Library. Graham Watson: 20 Years of Cycling Photography...

Every cycling household / library needs at least one coffee table-type book of stunning photographs of the sport. I may have blinders on when it comes to matters like this, but in my humble opinion there are few activities that can compare to cycling from a visual standpoint. The colors and forms, the action, the settings are made for photographic storytelling. Few of those storytellers have the catalog, let along the presence and know-how, of Graham Watson who's cycling photographs date back to 1976, the year he first witnessed the spectacle of the Tour de France. The 250 photos selected for this book cover a span of years leading up to, and including, the 2000 Tour; mostly on the road, but with the odd track or cyclocross image thrown in for good measure. Plenty of actions scenes mixed together with light-hearted moments, scenes of triumph with others of tragedy. Other than captions for each photo, text is limited to the opening pages of each chapter, setting up what follows, while leaving the bulk of the storytelling to the photos.

Watson, Graham   Graham Watson: 20 Years of Cycling Photography   Boulder, CO: VeloPress, 2000
