From the Library: My Road to Victory

Over the past number of years I have become a dedicated LUBer. My local used bookshop (LUB) has become quite a favored stop whenever I am anywhere nearby. I have picked up some terrific books there, including many standout cycling ones, the most recent find being Stephen Roche's My Road to Victory.

You may recall Stephen Roche had a year of a lifetime in 1987, when he won the Giro d'Italia, Tour de France, and the World Road Championship. My Road to Victory recounts Roche's year with a photo smorgasbord (150 pics by Graham Watson) of those three major races, plus his Spring campaign which included Paris-Nice and Liege-Bastogne-Liege. Stephen himself wrote the text which give added description and personal insight into the action and pitfalls as they transpired.

Only two riders have won the three races in the same year, Roche and Eddy Merckx. For that singular, historical, reason the book is significant. Then there is that Roche is one of the greatest Irish racers of all time. And then there are all of Watson's photos. Yup, My Road to Victory has found a prominent spot in the library.

Roche, Stephen   My Road to Victory   London: Stanley Paul, 1987
