Heartening Sights

As someone who believes that more people should incorporate the bicycle into their daily routine, there are few sights as welcoming as a bike rack filled to capacity. Take this scene from the Sunday just past; consider all the implications of this small vignette. 

There are seven bikes at the three ovals here (other nearby racks were equally filled).

That is seven people enjoying a sunny mid-November morning.
Seven people shopping locally, supporting local small businesses.
Seven people not in the seemingly endless line of cars and drivers circling the block for that perfect parking spot,
and, incidentally, seven people who already found the perfect parking spot.
Seven people validating the wishes of local business (and the city) to install bike racks at this, and other spots.
Seven people who received their daily dose of exercise… free of charge.
Three family members spending time together… by bike.
Two friends meeting up from divergent points… via bike.
Seven bikes taking up one-fourteenth the space of seven motor vehicles.
Seven people who heard birds singing in the trees while they made their way to town.
Seven people who watched leaves fall from the trees.
Seven people traveling pollution free.

Get the idea?

Is there a more heartening sight than racks full of bikes?

I just read an answer to that question - if you haven't read Redemption yet, I suggest you do.
