Cross Town Loop: Standing on the Street Curb

It would have made a good photo. It would have been a good one. There was Mike K. standing on the street curb - well, technically it was a driveway, but those are like a curb, just six inches lower. Anyway, there he was laughing at me as I struggled up the street not even three quarters of a mile into my ride, the first Cross-town Loop of the year - yes the first; since upgrading the mountain bike to a newer one I have hardly been on the old Ibis cross bike at all.

Anyway, as I was saying, laughing. As I got closer I pretended not to notice him standing there, looking anywhere but there - across the street, down at the street, around the corner, at some imaginary cyclist heading the other direction. As I drew even I remained silent, no hello there Mike, standing on the street curb. Fine evening for it, eh!? No use drawing any extra attention my way. Maybe he wouldn't notice me passing in front of him three feet away, slogging the pedals 'round not even three-quarters of a mile into my ride.

Anyway, since I am now writing this, in fact have wrote it (since you're reading it now), the first Cross-town Loop of the year didn't kill me, so I am going to believe it is going to make me stronger, preferably strong enough for the next Wednesday night gravel ride. That thing is sounding pretty fun, even more fun than standing on a street curb. And I still say it would have made a good photo.
