Quick Spin Saturday: La Bestioni

Co-worker John, who "discovered" bicycling a few years ago and was immediately infected by that bug, had yet to ride into San Dimas Canyon. As we left work Friday afternoon, I said that if I didn't ride with the DCG we could do a little road loop with an out-and-back up the canyon. And that is what happened this morning; besides it gave me a chance to finally ride the reconfigured Golden Hills Road which, by the way, is not nearly as nice as the old crumbling road alignment was.

Still mostly quiet in the canyon, more birds than anything else, with bicyclists a close second. The water a still mirror reflecting a grey sky and Spring aging quickly - the mountainsides losing the green of their youth, turning golden brown.

Passed through the gauntlet of autos at La Verne's big, annual, car show. The usual eye-candy, and this gigantic 1915 Italian touring car. Not sure where I would fit the bike rack on it.
